Bringing Torah to the nations-

With a genuine smile while coming across as a simple Jewish Orthodox and Israeli rabbi, Rabbi Yitschak Naki is often invited by Christians to speak to them about Israel and all the great wonders that God has brought upon the Jews. His audience are usually Christians who have a great love for Israel. Putting differences in religion aside, Rabbi Yitschak Naki teaches the importance for nations the world to stand with Israel in this end of time, as prophesied by the Jewish prophets.

Rabbi’s Early Years-

Rabbi Yitschak Naki was born in Jerusalem, on the 20th of April 1964. He went to the Elementary School of Bnei Tzion, the Rabbinical School of Torat Yosef until 1978, and continued his studies at the Rabbinical School of Ohr Baruch (until 1982) and the Rabbinical Study Institution for Jewish Law Questions. All of his years as a student were spent in Jerusalem. Upon completion of his Rabbinical studies, Rabbi Yitschak Naki was ordained a “rabbi” by the traditional Talmudist, late Rabbi Raphael Halperin. After marrying the love of his life, Zippora, in 1987, Rabbi Yitschak Naki continued his study at Beit David, Jerusalem, and received his ordination from Rabbi Issachar Mazuz.

The Beginning of Noam Eliezer-

After all his extensive years of studies, Rabbi Yitschak Naki came to a point where he felt that he needed to do more. “I was studying and growing for myself,” he said. “I felt that it was time to give back. I wanted to help other people, not only in teaching Torah, but also kindness. Because Torah without kindness is nothing. It is not alive.

“Because Torah without kindness is nothing. It is not alive.”

In 1993, Rabbi Yitschak Naki and his wife, Zippora, started teaching in Synagogues and small groups. And in 1996, they finally registered their initiative and established a rabbinical school “Noam Eliezer Institute”. Besides the rabbinical school, Noam Eliezer Institute also started helping the poor of Jerusalem. Poor families, including widows, orphaned children and underprivileged immigrants, are given food vouchers, winter clothing and student supplies for children.

The Growth of Noam Eliezer-

Today, Noam Eliezer Institute gives opportunities for adult married men who not have these financial privilege to study and become rabbis. They receive scholarship enough to cover the education cost and support the family while they are pursuing their education.

Until 2007, Noam Eliezer would buy food with 25% discount and store them in their warehouse. Every Thursday they would then deliver the food for each family in need. As the number of families grew, the logistics, transportation cost and employee salary also soared. To cut cost, families are now provided with food vouchers which they can use to buy their own groceries at any stores in Jerusalem.

Additionally, every year, Noam Eliezer gives out winter clothing: jackets, winter shoes, and warm underwear. And every beginning of the school year, children of poor families and orphaned children receive their student supply: bags, text books, note books, stationary, lunch box, and water bottles.

Respect and Honor-

Rabbi Yitschak Naki and his wife, Zippora, are strong believers of keeping the respect and honor of the family and individuals that they are helping. In the past, food is delivered to their door, using trucks labelled with “Noam Eliezer”. It was inevitable that neighbors would see that they are receiving food from them. Thus, may cause shame. With the old system, the families also did not have the choice of what food they would eat. They could only receive what was bought for them and delivered to them. With the food vouchers, they are able to go to the store themselves and make their own choices of groceries. They are able to buy anything they want (except cigarettes and alcohol), up to the amount listed on the vouchers. Thus, their dignity is protected. How You Can Help Rabbi Yitschak Naki’s fear is face crying widows and orphaned children requesting for help, but not being able to give anything. Because the system changed, from using a warehouse to food vouchers, all groceries will have to be paid in full. The 25% discount is no longer applicable. Noam Eliezer pays for the groceries, the winter clothing and the student supplies from the donations that people around the world so generously give.